I love cheap thrills
Well, getting out of bed 15 minutes earlier really feels like two hours… Luckily these extra minutes were put to good use!
Words describing today: early birds, rope skipping challenge, lib dub, swimming and ghost walk.
It is nice to wake up with a riddle. Curious which one, check out this Dutch song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxJuuKH3SXI. However, not all of us are early birds and it was obvious who we are talking about. Still, breakfast was ready and everyone could just find a spot and grab something to eat.
The first training started with an amazing relay race as warm-up. Groups were formed based on the length of the skippers and both single rope and long rope were a part of the game. The kids liked it so much that they even added ten more minutes.
After the warmup, the skippers were split into two groups based on their age. The older skippers formed pairs and started practicing Chinese wheels. With examples and instructions from the rope skipping staff they had more than enough information to practice their skills. Moreover, they attached multiple pair wheels into a couple of 10 wheels. They all succeeded in jumping at least ten jumps in wheels. Great job everyone!
At the other side of the gym, music for the camp routine was playing. The age category 12 years and old were training for the show this this Friday. They did a really good job as well, most of them already know the first part of the routine.
Afterwards, the kids started the rope skipping challenge. Tessa, Pieter and Dagmar wrote down a couple of different rope skipping exercises which they had to complete within the agreed time frame. If they succeeded, they can give the staff an instruction to follow. But if they lose, it will be the other way around. Sadly enough the kids won… Which led to a postponement of their bed time. Lucky them..!
After lunch different activities were going on. Younger kids went of for swimming and the others stayed at the residence to make a lib dub. You probably think, what is a lib dub?? To keep it short and simpel: A lip dub is a type of music video that combines lip syncing and audio dubbing to make a music video. Lip dubs are usually done in a single unedited shot that often travel through different rooms and situations within a building. For our lip dub we used the song Cheap Trills by Sia. The results is quite nice! We will put it online after the camp. Exciting!
After dinner and a little bit of relaxing the older kids were able to walk a ghost tour. This year we have stretched a rope of plus minus 150 meters through the forest. Not only the dark was creepy, but also the fact that they were blinded! Imagine you have to follow a rope, through the forest, with your eyes covered and some weird people hanging around you. I know what I would have done…
Off to bed now!